Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make A Wish Day 4- Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios

There was horseback riding at Keaton's Korral at the Village on Wednesday morning. We had to do it first thing so we had plenty of time in the parks. Unfortunately, the first two days in Florida taught us that Seven's crabbiest time was first thing in the morning. Everyone else had reservations about putting Seven on the horse but I thought once he got on and felt the movement of the animal it would calm him. Negative on that one. An animal trainer got on the saddle first and then put Seven in front of her. Two people walked on either side of the horse to make sure there was no funny business. And just for added measure all children had to wear a helmet. Seven wanted none of it and cried and thrashed the whole ride. I'm sure it was 30 seconds long but it felt like an eternity.
 Poor Seven. Poor Animal Trainer Lady. This picture reflects Seven's relief to be off the horse and back in his stroller. All kids got a certificate with their name on it stating they were official members of Clayton's Saddle Club. (Mayor Clayton is the official mascot of the Village and a giant bunny.) They also received these fabulous hats.
Ocean took to the horseback riding quite nicely and loved it so much she wanted to do it again and again.
Our plan was to do Animal Kingdom and then Disney's Hollywood Studios if we could fit it in. That turned out to be possible because we were not that fond of Animal Kingdom save for a few things... Like this fun ride! Expedition Everest was a lot like Disneyland's Matterhorn but SO MUCH better! Of course it scared the bejesus out of Ocean, and yet she still went on it more than once! The girl loves to be scared. I also like Jarrad's face. He's so calm, it looks like he's on a lazy river ride. This was the part where there is a big drop. I don't think he's getting the full enjoyment out of the ride.

Our main excitement about going to Animal Kingdom was to take Seven to the "Bug's Life" show. We sat him on the seat next to us so he could get the full effect. The show has some animatronic features as well as a 3D effect with a big screen. They also use special effects like blowing wind or water on you and the seats make it feel like bugs are crawling under you. He loved it!

 One of Seven's happy times in the bathroom. Notice the shirt? I found it in the Star Wars area and couldn't resist. Seven and Yoda have a lot in common: their size, their wise nature, their strength with the force...
 The new Toy Story ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios had a 3D effect. It was completely interactive so when you shot your gun and hit something, the screen would show the little explosion. It was a blast. It also spun the chair we sat in around unexpectedly sending Seven flying. So that was fun.
 Seven was devastated when he saw I beat him in points at the end of the ride. I of course laughed and ridiculed him like a good mom.
 Ocean met one of those little green army men. I remember those toys being a lot smaller.
The highlight of the whole trip for us was when Seven got to meet his hero, Buzz Lightyear! When we left for our trip the Make-A-Wish people told us the pins and pass we wore would get us to the front of the lines on rides and attractions but not to meet characters. But when we left the Toy Story ride we were loitering outside the exit. A Disney cast member saw us and our pins and started ushering us into a room with Buzz and Woody. They put us in the front of the other kids waiting (which made us feel bad for a second).
I tried sitting him down in front of the characters but he didn't really smile because he couldn't see or hear the characters. So I told Buzz that Seven was very tactile. I asked if he could lean in so Seven could really see him and touch him.
 Boy did that turn on the lights for Seven. I swear he recognized Buzz and just started putting his hands all over him.
Then he went in for a hug!
 It was a magical moment and Jasmine was really feeling it. She started crying! I have to admit it was tender vittles.
 We didn't want the other children to have to wait any longer so I started pulling him away and Seven didn't like that at all. We could all hear him saying in his little head, "NOOOOOOOooooo!"
Even Buzz felt bad for him so he went back in for some hand holding.
And then it looked like Seven wanted to gnaw on his fingers so we decided it really was time to go. It was definitely the best part of the day, a magical surprise.

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