Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make A Wish Day 2- Magic Kingdom!

This was us in front of our villa the first day. When we went inside there were housewarming gifts for us. There were snacks and sodas and stuffed animals for the kids.
When we went down to the Gingerbread House for breakfast we saw Mary Poppins, Pluto and Goofy in the plaza out front. Seven always gravitates towards the women, I don't know why. Okay, I know why.

We decided to go to the Magic Kingdom on Monday because Buzz Lightyear is Seven's favorite character. We based that information on the fact that his Buzz Lightyear toy is his favorite to play with. So naturally we wanted to take Seven to the Buzz Lightyear ride. He seemed to love it!
While Jarrad, Ocean and I went on a ride for big kids, Jasmine took Seven to a 3D show. He looked so dashing in the glasses. He also went on the Astro Orbiter several times in a row.
I found an awesome toy outside the Buzz ride. It vibrated and lit up when you pulled the trigger. Apparently Seven isn't scared by anything, including death by laser gun!
We all went on the Jungle Cruise. We were treated so wonderfully. We were the first to get on the boat, sitting at the front next to the skipper. She asked Ocean if she wanted to steer and of course she said yes. Ocean had no idea it was on a track and she took her job very seriously! She made every turn she was supposed to and never moved her eyes from the "road." She'll be a great driver some day!!
Seven just kicked back and chillaxed. Anybody notice Seven wore three different outfits during the day? That's because he kept having blow-outs for poor jet-lagged Jasmine! But an interesting occurrence popped up during her several trips to the ladies room to change him. Seven's favorite place during the trip was the girls bathroom. Maybe it was the quiet and cool space or the echo, we weren't sure. But he was consistent.
He smiled every time he was in one!

This was our picture for Splash Mountain. Ocean and I got matching rain coats just for this trip because rain was forecasted off and on the whole week. They also proved useful on the water type rides.
Seven went on "It's A Small World" with Jasmine, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, and saw a Monsters, Inc show. I took him to the Country Bear Jamboree and he loved the singing and moving bears.

 Seven also met Jasmine and Aladdin but was a little too cranky to pose appropriately for photos.

Overall it was a very fun first day. When we got back to the villa there was a surprise waiting for us on our kitchen table.This is the Give Kids The World Edition of Candy Land. The board has you passing all the venues at the Village. It is amazing! We were very tired from the time change and getting up early and going to bed late the day before. We ordered Katie's Kitchen to be delivered to the villa and planned our next day.

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