Thursday, October 27, 2011

Make A Wish Day 3- Universal's Islands of Adventure

Seven woke up a little cranky, aptly so as we knew he had an ear infection, so we decided to go to Universal's Islands of Adventure. We knew it had a lot of big kid rides so he could take a little break. While Jarrad, Ocean and Jasmine went on the Spiderman ride, I took Seven to meet Spiderman. It went surprisingly well for how he felt. Spiderman was super nice too. No one rushed me along, not the people behind us in line or the photographer or Spiderman, while I was trying to get Seven to look up at me for a picture. The rain coats I mentioned in the last post proved handy again on this day. Jasmine, Ocean, Seven and I were in the girls restroom changing Seven. When we came out we found everyone huddled under trees because a torrential downpour was happening. It lasted about 2 minutes but it was fun to be the only ones in the street for a while.

Seven also got to meet Betty Boop. He just attracts the ladies.

 Ocean and I went on the Pteranodon Flyers ride which was actually super fun. I didn't mention before but with a pass that one of us wore around our neck, we would get a personal escort to the area where you entered an attraction and were put on the ride immediately. That made it a lot easier to fit in all the fun in one week.
Ocean went on the Dudley Do-Right Ripsaw Fall ride with Jasmine which put Splash Mountain to shame for the splash factor. It's hard to tell by this picture but she is soaked from head to toe.
 Ocean got a wand at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She took to it like a duck to water. She's definitely not a Muggle.
 Seven was just barely tall enough to go on the High in the Sky Trolley Train at the Dr. Suess area of the park. He seemed to really enjoy it.
Like father like son. The train track took us above all the Dr. Suess Landing area for a bird's eye view.

 We got back to the Village just in time for the "Cook Out At The Beach" that happens every Tuesday at Give Kids The World. We still felt we couldn't get enough of the Boston Market food at so instead of hamburgers and hotdogs I went over to Katie's Kitchen and brought the lot back to the beach. Both kids loved the water park. Ocean loved that they were handing out cotton candy. They had a dj and dancing for the kids. They were also handing out free Harry Potter t-shirts that they sell  at Universal so we all got one.

I love it when we put Seven in odd places. I wish we had a tub like this at home.
This was our surprise waiting for us when we got back to the villa.

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